Petitions Committee


Meeting Venue:

Committee Room 1 - Senedd




Meeting date:

Tuesday, 29 January 2013




Meeting time:

09:01 - 10:36




This meeting can be viewed on Senedd TV at:



Concise Minutes:




Assembly Members:


William Powell (Chair)

Russell George

Joyce Watson

Bethan Jenkins (In place of Elin Jones)














Committee Staff:


Naomi Stocks (Clerk)

Kayleigh Driscoll (Deputy Clerk)

Helen Roberts (Legal Advisor)





1.  Introduction, apologies and substitutions


The Chair welcomed everyone to the Committee. Apologies were received from Elin Jones AM, who was substituted by Bethan Jenkins AM.




2.  New petitions




2.1P-04-448 Improve Sexual health services for Western Vale


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:

·         the Minister for Health and Social Services to seek her views on the petition; and

·         Cardiff and Vale University Health Board asking whether they feel they have sufficient funding to deliver sexual health services in the Western Vale and if there are any plans to remove the current clinic.




2.2P-04-449 Bridgend Princess Of Wales - Save Our Services - Stop the Downgrade


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to Abertawe Bro Morgannwg LHB, copying in the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Health and Social Care Committee, seeking their views on the petition, asking what consultation has been undertaken, how this consultation will inform the development of plans, and when a final decision will be made on services at Bridgend.




2.3P-04-450 Barry & Vale needs a fully functioning hospital


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to; Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, copying in the Minister for Health and Social Services, seeking their views on the petition, asking why the Minor Injuries Unit in Barry Hospital doesn’t currently operate an 8 hour a day, 5 day a week service, and asking about how the unit is staffed.




2.4P-04-451 Save the Royal Glamorgan Hospital Services


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to Cwm Taf Local Health Board, copying in the Minister for Health and Social Services and the Health and Social Care Committee, seeking their views on the petition, asking what consultation has been undertaken, how this consultation will inform the development of plans, and when a final decision will be made on services at Royal Glamorgan Hospital.




2.5P-04-452 Equal Rights for Tube-fed Youngsters


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:

·         The Minister for Health and Social Services;

·         Health and Social Care Committee;

·         Children’s Commissioner for Wales; and

·         Caerphilly County Borough Council seeking their views on the petition.


The Committee may undertake a discreet piece of work on this petition dependant on the responses.




2.6P-04-453 Improvements at Cardiff Airport


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to the petitioners to seek their views on the recent developments on the airport, and whether this meets their aims.




2.7P-04-454 Call to end Councillor and Assembly Member Dual Role


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to write to:

·         the Minister for Local Government and Communities seeking his views on the petition, and asking whether he has any plans to bring in legislation or amend current legislation;

·         the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee;

·         the Assembly Commission;

·         the Councel General to seek their views on the petition; and

·         request a legal briefing on the petition.



2.8P-04-455 Save Prince Phillip Hospital A&E


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to await the response from Hywel Dda Local Health Board seeking more information on how the consultation period has informed the decision making process.



3.  Updates to previous petitions




3.1P-04-421 Oppose Trident moving to Wales


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to;

·         the UK Government asking if any discussions with the Welsh Government have taken place;

·         the petitioner’s to seek their views on the First Minister’s response; and

·         Milford Haven Port Authority to seek their views on the petition.




3.2P-04-434 The Welsh and Somalilanders have common love of poetry


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and in light of the response, it was agreed to close the petition. The Committee thanked the Presiding Officer for such a positive response about the petition.



3.3P-04-322 A call to revise Cadw’s hold upon churches in Wales


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to the Minister for Housing, Regeneration and Heritage asking;

·         that all independent churches are involved in the work of the Task and Finish Group;

·         when the Task and Finish Group are expected to complete their work; and

·         that the Committee is kept informed with the progress.





3.4P-03-236 The Charter for Grandchildren


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to the Health and Social Care Committee asking to be kept updated with the progress of the Social Services (Wales) Bill, to be provided with a timeframe for consideration and that transcripts of any relevant discussions are forwarded.




3.5P-03-187 Abolish the Severn Bridge Toll


The Committee considered the report on the economic impact of Severn Tolls and agreed to write to the Minister for Local Government and Communities asking what, if any, action the Government intends to take following the publication of the study, with a view to closing this petition once this has been received.




3.6P-03-240 Road safety on the A40 in Llanddewi Velfrey


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to; write to the Minister for Local Government and Communities asking that the Committee is kept informed when a decision on the funding is made; and in light of the by-pass being a number of years away, if any interim work can be done on the by-pass to help lower the concerns raised about the safety of the footpaths and road-crossings.


Joyce Watson placed on record that she would be happy to undertake a site visit and meet with Llandewi Velfrey Community Council.




3.7P-04-345 Rail and Bus Links between Aberystwyth and Carmarthen




3.8P-04-429 Re-opening of the Carmarthen to Aberystwyth Train Line


The Committee considered correspondence on both petitions and In light of the response from the Welsh Government and the lack of support for re-opening the train line, it was agreed to close both petitions.




3.9P-04-363 Town Centre Improvement Scheme for Fishguard


The Committee agreed to write to:

·         The Minister for Local Government and Communities sharing the petitioner’s information; highlighting the length of time the Committee has been waiting for a response, and the difficulties this poses in enabling the Committee to consider the petition; and

·         the Council Leader and the Chief Executive of Pembrokeshire Council, asking if they have any plans and sufficient funding to take this scheme forward.


Additionally the Committee agreed to keep the petitioner informed of developments.




3.10    P-04-409 Welsh names for new trunk roads in Wales


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to;

·         The Minister for Local Government and Communities clarifying what the petitioner is calling for, and asking if this changes his view in relation to the petition; and

·         the Welsh Language Commissioner seeking her views on the issues raised by the petitioner.




3.11    P-04-376 Reorganise Education in Powys


The Committee considered the petition and in light of recent developments, it was agreed to close the petition.




3.12    P-04-427 A new Welsh language law for Wales


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to:

·         the Welsh Language Commissioner asking whether she feels that the current legislation provides enough protection for Welsh speakers, and what, if any, further measures are necessary; and

·         Minister for Business, Enterprise, Technology and Science to clarify whether the Government could introduce such legislation.




3.13    P-04-437 Opposing compulsory registration for home educating children


The Committee considered ministerial correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to the Minister for Education and Skills asking that he provides an update to the Committee once a decision has been made about the way forward.




3.14    P-04-442 Guarantee good support close to home for disabled children and their families


The Committee considered ministerial correspondence on the petition and agreed to:

·         seek clarity from the Welsh Government on when the consultation responses will be published;

·         consider the consultation responses and identify possible witnesses to give evidence to the Committee;

·         write to the petitioners, and the Minister for Education and Skills to give oral evidence;

·         invite SOLACE to give oral evidence; and

·         identify local authorities with good practise in this area, and seek to take oral evidence from them.




3.15    P-04-399 Slaughter Practices


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, asking that the Committee be updated with the findings from the consultation, and how these will impact on the implementation of the EU regulations.





3.16    P-04-433 CCTV in Slaughterhouses


The Committee considered correspondence on the petition and agreed to:

·         write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development asking for clarification on how he intends to take forward the issue of CCTV in slaughterhouses and the timeframe for doing so; and

·         commission a research paper on how this issue is dealt with across Europe.




4.  Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the following business:


The motion was agreed.




5.  P-04-335 The Establishment of a Welsh Cricket Team: Key Issues


The Committee held a discussion on the Establishment of a Welsh Cricket Team petition and agreed the direction of a report.




6.  Admissibility - non-devolved issues


The Committee held a discussion on the petitions admissibility process, and agreed to arrange a meeting with the Presiding Officer to discuss admissibility further.





7.  Papers to Note

The papers were noted.





View the meeting transcript.
